Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Word On Ratings

I have decided that if if going to be rating books then i should have a system of how i rate them. In my reviews i will give a brief description of the book, how hard it is to read and when i feel like it, a story about the circumstances in which i read the book. All of these are in my first review "Kill The Possum" and i hope to add a few new features to my reviews like related reading and books by the same author.

I will also put labels on my post, this allows a quick search of keywords to find a review that you are looking for. labels will be things like "action" or "thriller". One that i put on the end of "KTP" was story, this is a book that is simply, a story, there is no action, your heart doesn't start racing with suspence, you dont need to geuss "whodunnit" its just a story that you can read and i often find that stories are very good reads and will generally get a high rating.

A final word is on the comment on whether or not its worth a detention. i like to read in class and some teachers (Math)like to threaten a detention. books that are worth a detention are books good enough that I will read them in class even under threat of detention. If its worth a detention then anybody can read it and enjoy it.

See you all at school:)

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