Monday, November 16, 2009

Beatle Meets Destiny

Beatle Meets Destiny
Gabrielle Williams

Hmm, where to start? Well, it is probably good form to mention that i only picked up this book because it was promoted at our school. Yes Gabrielle Williams came to our school and talked about this book in order as well as giving a short talk on how to write better stories. It was rather interesting and was really funny. She had a way of talking that made it seem as if she was closer to our age than hers. She spoke as if she had personal experience of our time as opposed to hers. No offence, she wasn't really old or anything but the way people live these days, especially teenagers, changes far more frequently than any other age group so to have that knowledge and experience was impressive. One of my favourite remarks that was made on the day was "No, because that would be weird." if you were there then you should remember. If not, I don't care, all my important readers were there so there's no problem.

The book itself is great, a good storyline and an awesome set of characters. However the book reminded me very much of, are you ready for this?
Don't Call Me Ishmael!!
Yes! One of the year 8 English texts and its a shame because, compared to Don't Call Me Ishmael, it's a letdown. Ishmael was funnier, more interesting with an even better cast of characters. So if you were lucky enough to read D.C.M.I then know that this book is like that but not quite as good. If you didn't like Ishmael you probably wont like this so its all a matter of perspective. I'll leave it to you.

It's a nice story but not worth a detention, not this close to exams but if you carefully read when your supposed to be studying, then that is OK because studying is really boring. I'll leave it to you.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Host

The Host
Stephanie Meyer

Yes, I know it's a Stephanie Meyer. Yes, I know she wrote "Twilight". No, I'm not a girl. No, I'm not gay. Yes, I still gave it 9/10. It really is a good book.


Read it yourself if you don't believe me.
Really. You can trust me.

The story takes place on an earth that has been invaded by parasitic hosts. They take over the humans minds and live using their bodies. almost all of humanity is lost at the start of the book. There are only small pockets of Resistance left. Now generally when the aliens take over the host the original human mind is completely overpowered and destroyed, only the alien mind is left. The book follows the story of the alien who's host was not overpowered.

It is a fantastic tale because the two minds eventually become friends and start working together to find a pocket of resistance. Although the humans are wary they eventually accept the alien and her host and then the story follows a number of hardships that the two minds must handle together.

I found it was an awesome and clever storyline which kept me enthralled until the very end. And when it finishes it sort of leave you wanting more. A book worth a detention that you and your alien invader can enjoy together.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Witch And Wizard

Witch and Wizard
James Patterson

This is much better than my last read, thankfully. It was really interesting and has an awesome storyline. I was happy to jump right into a fast paced, fantasy story that had almost no deep meaning, no complicated relationships, no BLOODY 20 PAGE BIOGRAPHY'S OF CHARACTERS WHO AREN'T REALLY IMPORTANT! it was just a good clean read and for that it got a higher review than it would have had I read it just after 'Five Greatest Warriors' for example.

One of the things that annoyed me was the system of government that the bad guys use. The leader is called "The One Who Is The One" then there's "The One Who Judges" and "The One Who Enforces" it all become very annoying but thankfully, that's the point and the main character makes fun of them at regular intervals with hilarious results. The New Order has also banned books, music and anything else that could possible be counted as creative, it is a world of science.

Regardless I really liked it. It is a very Sci-Fi/Fantasy heavy storyline so if your not really into that sort of thing then maybe give it a miss. One thing that I found was a nice perk was that there are a few words, not too many, that looked like they were made up for the book. they gave it a sense of being its own story and gave the world an edge of realism. As a tribute I wall right the last paragraph with some of these words.

This is not a cantrip and I'm no naysayer, this book is real pukka. So whether your a curve, straight and narrow or an Erlenmeyer, like me, get all your friends, meet at the nearest Dickensian Mingus and get the book. Then read it in class and get a detention. Your book will also be burned by order of The One Who Is The One.

By The One Who Rights Reviews

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest
Steig Larsson

About Bloody Time!I have found a book that is not really worth reading. It was boring and a huge letdown to me. The first book in the series was great even though it had a bit of a slow start. The second one was fantastic and had plenty to keep me interested but the third was just boring. Very little of anything of interest, 20 page long biography's of characters, even the minor ones. I did not find anything of value in it. A four is generous in my opinion.

There's not much else to say except go out and get the first two, read them, they are awesome and then skip the last one. The most useful thing in the third one is that shes OK. But seriously your time would probably be better spent getting a detention for writing a book about watching grass grow. And then a sequel - Watching Paint Dry.